Pac-Man Frog (Ceratophrys sp)
Also known as the South American Horned Frog. Get their name from the round shape
and large mouth like Pac-man. There are eight different species of Pacman frogs, all in the genusĀ Ceratophrys. All eight species are rather rounded in body shape, and have abnormally large mouths. They have blotchy patterns across their backs, and come in a wide variety of colors. They can be any combination of brown, tan, green, yellow, or red.
They are not very active and like to bury in the soil with just the eyes sticking out. These frogs thrive in warm, humid, environments. They spend the vast majority of their time hiding beneath the damp leaf litter of dense forests and rainforests. If their environment grows to dry, they simply bury themselves and wait for rain to come. They are commonly found in rainforest and tropical swamp environments.

They reach 6 inches long as adults and live up to 10 years in captivity.
They will bite if they feel threatened.
Any kind of prey is fair game and they will try to eat anything that moves within striking
distance. In addition to insects and worms they will also eat mice, fish, other frogs, and reptiles.